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Our Retail Store Offers a Huge Selection of Pools & Accessories

Pools and spas are a wonderful addition to any home, but they require proper care, parts, and accessories to continue to provide a relaxing oasis for your family. This means finding a reliable source for all your pool supply needs. Many people in the Chicagoland area find themselves wondering, “Where can I find a fully stocked pool store near me in the Orland Park, IL area?” Luckily, All Seasons Pools & Spas, Inc. has the answer to that question.


Our location is the Chicagoland’s leading supplier of all necessary pool and spa supplies as well as fun outdoor living accessories to take your patio experience to new heights, and if you need protection for your store. Reach out to us today for more information or stop by our pool store to see our selection of products.

Free Computerized Water Testing

If you have a pool at your home, you know how important it is to keep your water properly balanced. We can help you keep your water in a safe and swimmable state with our free computerized water testing.

Just bring a sample of your water to our store in Orland Park, and our staff will provide you a complete and detailed analysis of your water quality.

Pool & Spa Products

You’ve invested a lot of time and money toward keeping your pool or spa in peak operating condition. Ongoing maintenance and cleaning are essential to enjoying your pool or spa for many years to come. All Seasons Pools & Spas has been voted a ‘Top 10 Retail Store’ in the U.S., which means you can trust us with all the details, purchase the very best products and supplies, have all your questions answered, and walk out of our store feeling great about your purchase.

  • Pool Chemicals: Pool and spa chemicals are crucial for maintaining clean, safe, and enjoyable water by sanitizing, balancing pH, and preventing algae and bacteria growth, ensuring a healthy and clear environment for swimmers. We are an exclusive carrier of Poolside Chemicals products.
  • Pool Supplies: We have all the pool supplies you need, including pool liners, cleaning solutions, pool covers, and more. Get everything you need in one place.
  • Automatic Pool Cleaners: We make pool cleaning easy with our selection of automatic pool cleaners. We’ll help you choose the right mode for your above-ground or inground pool.

Spas and Hot Tubs

Spas and hot tubs can create a relaxing and calming atmosphere right in your own backyard. In addition, they can also provide many therapeutic benefits, relaxing muscles and soothing aches and pains. Our team can design and construct a beautiful setup for your new backyard spa.

We offer a selection of Caldera portable hot tubs and can also design custom in-ground spas. In addition, we can also prepare your spa for the season with opening services and winterize it with closing services. You can even call us for spa repair and part replacements. Our team has vast knowledge and will be able to diagnose the problem and provide the appropriate services to fix it.

Different cleaning equipments

Maintenance Accessories

Your pool requires regular attention to stay in good shape. We have all the maintenance accessories you need, from wall brushes to skimmers.

Different soft toys

Toys, Floats, & More!

When walking throughout our retail showroom during the summer, you can always find a toy, float, or a game that may catch your eye that you want for your very own backyard! Each year we bring in new merchandise as well as the top sellers of previous years, we also work with retail stores online like home depot, we can help our customer obtain a great home depot coupon!

Happy ladies seating together

Visit Us on One of Our Customer Appreciation Days

Stop in and visit us most Saturdays throughout the swimming season and enjoy a hotdog, hamburger and lemonade on us!

Alice and Marlene love when you stop and visit!

The Largest Pool & Spa Parts Supplier in Orland Park, IL

No matter what you need for your pool or spa, All Seasons Pools & Spas can deliver. Not only do we provide reliable design and construction services, we also sell all the parts and accessories you need.

We are the largest parts supplier in the Chicagoland area for pool and spa parts, stocking and selling most common replacement parts. Whatever you need, you can likely find it here!

All Seasons Pools, Spas & Outdoor Living

9135 West 135th Street
Orland Park, IL 60462

Tel: 708-745-9345
Fax: 708-349-8265

All Seasons Pools & Spas, Inc., 9135 West 135th Street, Orland Park, IL 60462, USA

Business Hours
Monday8:00 AM - 5:00 PMTuesday8:00 AM - 5:00 PMWednesday8:00 AM - 5:00 PMThursday8:00 AM - 5:00 PMFriday8:00 AM - 5:00 PMSaturday9:00 AM - 3:00 PMSundayClosed

Contact Us Today to Turn Your Dreams into Reality